We were founded in 2020 (yikes, I know).

It was a tough year to start a business.

With countries shutting down and planes stopped flying, shipping cost was out the roof! But our boss said, “Don’t blame it on the economy, instead, see it as a leaping stone…or something similarly inspirational along the line. The truth is, it was still hard…

But PartsLINQ survived.

We managed to set the price as low as possible despite crazy shipping costs. Each order, we make little to no money, just to build brand awareness and put good words to our name. Now, thanks to our loyal customers (like you ^_-) we accumulated throughout the year, we are finally able to build our own website where price will be fair (no more Amazon & eBay transaction fees). From time to time we might also put out promotions for you to get a good deal, btw follow our social media so you don’t miss out on the deals!

And for now, we will continue our mission of bringing quality & trustworthy auto parts to you.♥

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